Reducing costs and improving safety


Protecting heritage sites


Drill pad - Earthworks


Exploration Drill Guidance

Centimetre Grade Control RTK

GeoPAK portable DGPS & RTK system

Latest News


Micronics Introduces new EEMIS systems unveiled at The 2nd Annual Exploration & Mapping conference in Perth. Clients from Rio Tinto Exploration Earthworks and FMG Christmas Creek Mine Resource definition presented papers on how EEMIS applications was saving their respective companies many hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars per year.


Micronics introduces the DrillGenie system for Exploration and Minesite Drill Guidance. DrillGenie introduces a simple operator interface for Virtual pegging to achieve Amazing cost saving and increased sample crew safety.

The initial cost is far below what is standard in the industry due to new leapfrog in software design.


Roy Hill Creates Port to Pit 465 Km 50metre railway centreline using EEMIS Heritage. Record clearing of up to 27Km per day was achieved by contractors. Many Heritage sites needed to be negotiated and not one breach occurred during clearing of virgin land.

Realizing the Potentials

Micronics has for many years provided innovative products to the mining and exploration industry, resulting in more effective and efficient methods.

With several years experience in supplying guidance and sensory technology, Micronics has gained a wealth of knowledge in reasearch, design and manufacturing for the benefit of mining companies worldwide. Micronics is a company set on helping companies improve ROI through efficiencies and ultimately, better returns in profit.


Hire and demonstration options

If you would like a demonstration or wish to hire our equipment and or services